Friday, March 25, 2011

Radio's in heaven - Plain White T's

Your time has already come and I don't know why
The last thing that I had heard
you were doin' just fine
It seems like just yesterday
I was laughing with you
Playing games at Grandma's house
well you taught me well, didn't you?
I hope I'm just like you

Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you

You left before I had a chance to say goodbye
But that's the way life usually is
it just passes you by
But you can't hold on to regrets and you can't look back
So I'll just be thankful for the times that I had with you
I hope I'm just like you

Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you
If they don't have radios in heaven
here's what I'll do
I can bring my guitar when my time is up and I'll play it for you

Tell me can you hear me now
if not, then I can try to sing real loud
What's it like up on the other side of the clouds?
I hope I'm just like you
I hope I turn out to be as good as yo..
hehe gue suka banget lagu ini entah kenapa dari awal denger sampe sekarang.. kalo dengerin sekali rasanya mau diulang ulang terus.. sedih sih lagunya.. kayak menceritakan tentang dia yang ditinggal mati oleh seseorang yang sangat berarti buat dia dan just it, lo pasti bisa memahami liriknya sendiri kan? well enjoy :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

what a wonderful last night :D

last night, I decided to go to Sungai Sambas II street to changed the approval email to be a guest card. first plan is I decided to go with Rusda, my friend, but we invited someone too, she is Fina. it's my first time to chillin around with fina because i was rarely meet her. after the preparation, we started the destination and it was ran so fast!

udah ah pake bahasa inggrisnya. terlalu terbatas gue capcipcusnya hahaha :D
oke lanjut dengan penukaran akses card yang berjalan sempurna, dan gue telah mendapatkannya sekarang :)

itu penampakan gue dan si akses card yang menyebalkan. hahahaha

setelah gue dapet si card, gue langsung menuju Blok M plasa untuk makan Domino's Pizza yang rasanya bikin gue gila! hahahaha lebayy...
ini langsung aja deh ke TKP :p

dan mengapa "domino's sucks?" 
dan itu sangat memalukan! hampir aja gue gak bisa bayar itu pizza karena uang gue pas pas an! hahahaha sumpah rasanya gue pengen langsung kabur aja dari tempat itu!
kita yang biasa beli pizza disana cuma 40rb,tapi malam itu billnya menandakan bahwa pizza itu 70rb, gimana gue gak shock coba? masalahnya akhir minggu dan uang gue pas pasan banget! hahahaha :D

setelah itu, gue sempet miris ngeliat bapak bapak yang lagi makan pizza sendirian, dia baru makan sekitar 2 atau 3 potong pizza dan abis itu langsung pergi aja nyelonong pulang! dan sisanya yang hampir satu pan penuh itu dibuang aja sama mas-masnya ke tong sampah! gila yaaa.. dia itu beli yang medium, paling murah ya 40rb.. dibuang aja dulu tu pizza.. coba deh lo bayangin, kenapa dia harus beli yang medium kalo emang cuma mau dimakan 2potong?kenapa gak beli aja yang small, sekitar 20rb-an. dan sisanya dia amalin atau sumbangin keorang yang gak mampu, berapa mulianya orang itu kan? tapi sayang, dia malah berada di jalan yang salah! gue tau dia orang kaya, tapi gak seharusnya juga dia begitu!

Good, Bye :D

hari ini mau nulis di sini diawali dengan "Bismillahirahmanirahim" :D
semoga gak ada yang salah dengan apapun yang gue tulis disini nantinya :)

di iringi dengan lagu mendayu- dayu dari The Trees and The Wild, gue mencoba mengukir kata kata disini !
kali ini postingan gue agak serius. gak banyak becanda dan gak banyak basa basi!
hari ini ujan dan gue benci!

pertama, gue iseng buka friendster gue.. waw, kejutan hebat tertera disana! mulai gue untuk menyesal karena telah membukanya!memulai dengan "Kepo" nya gue.. berharap nggak melihat segala yang diliat! dan ternyata, akhirnya, setelah sekian lama bertahan, tertetes juga setitik air mata yang gak pernah gue harapkan untuk terjatuh, karena gue pikir air mata udah gak akan berguna untung menyesali semuanya, udah gak pantes dan terlalu banyak air mata gue yang keluar! tapi nyatanya, gue gak bisa menahan itu semua! anyway, gigi gue sakit nih haha gak nyambung ;p (mengalihkan perhatian sebelum pembicaraan ini semakin dalam :P)

dan, semakin terkubur dalam ketika gue melihat isi profil gue yang sangat sangat mencengangkan! gue udah lelah untuk menghapus semuanya! dan ahkirnya gue memilih untuk meninggalkan itu semua, tanpa mengubah semuanya! gue akan tinggalkan itu semua seakan gue gak akan pernah melihatnya dan itu semua akan terhapus seiring berjalannya waktu! itu harapan terbesar gue saat ini :)

kini, gak ada waktu buat gue untuk melakukan penyesalan, karena yang jahat aja gak pernah menyesali apa yang pernah dia lakukan, so, buat apa gue menyesal :)

gue bingung mau nulis apa lagi, gue juga gak mau terlalu terlarut dalam sendu pada postingan aneh ini. so, lebih baik gue akhiri sekarang.

wassalam :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Old glasses.

Just found this on my old flashdisk. Lol it's been 2 years i guess. Lol.

Mwah! :p

Hate (I Really Don't Like You) - Plain White T's Lyric

blah blah blah blah blah

You were everything I wanted.
You were everything a girl could be.
Then you left me brokenhearted
Now you don't mean a thing to me
All I wanted was your
Love love love love love love

Hate is a strong word
But I really really really don't like you
Now that it's over
I don't even know what I liked about you
Brought you around
And you just brought me down.
Hate is a strong word.
But I really really really don't like you.

I really don't like you.

Thought that everything was perfect
Isn't that how it's supposed to be?
Thought you thought that I was worth it
Now I think a little differently
All I wanted was your
Love love love love love love

Hate is a strong word
But I really really really don't like you
Now that it's over
I don't even know what I liked about you
Brought you around
And you just brought me down
Hate is a strong word
But I really really really don't like you

Now that it's over you can't hurt me
Now that it's over you can't bring me down

Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh oh oh
Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh oh oh

All I wanted was your
Love love love love love love


Hate is a strong word
But I really really really don't like you
(I really don't like you)
Now that it's over
I don't even know what I liked about you
(Liked about you)
Brought you around
And you just brought me down
Hate is a strong word
But I really really really don't like you

Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh
I really don't like you
Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh
I really don't like you
Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh
I really don't like you
Oh... oh... oh... oh oh oh 
what a meaningful lyric.. rasanya semuanya pengen gue bold deh tulisannya :D

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Break up song - Never Shout Never Lyric

I'm just a robot
I have no fears
I lack emotion
And I she'd no tears

And I'm just a coma
A deadly sleep
My heart is breakin'
But I just can't weep

So babe I want you to cry,
And I want you to cry for me,
I don't want you to lie to me,
And say that it will be alright,
And I want you to say goodbye,
But I want you to mean it,
And I want you to find a man,
Who's gonna treat you right

And I'm just a virus
Inside your head
You lay awake in your hospital bed
And I ain't no doctor
But I know your sick
Your sick of the bullshit and state I'm in

That's why I want you to cry,
And I want you to cry for me,
I don't want you to lie to me,
And say that it will be alright,
And I want you to say goodbye,
But I want you to mean it,
And I want you to find a man,
Who's gonna treat you right

Tell: escape ;)

sebenernya gue pun gak ngerti apa maksud dari title pada postingan ini.. itu terinspirasi dari "Home Alone 3" yang sedang gue tonton saat ini, saat si anak kecil itu menyebutkan "teleskop", dan tiba-tiba gue terpikir tentang "tell:escape"! hahahaha gak nyambung yah? whatever _ :)

sebeeeeeel ih hari ini ujan! i hate rain! really! benci banget gue sama yang namanya hujan beserta kawan kawannya yaitu geledek petir dan angin gak penting! bikin gue badmood dan langsung mengubah pola pikir gue hari ini !

ubah pola pikir! okey, kita harus mengubah pola pikir gue hari ini! dimulai dari STAND ALONE :)
mulai saat ini, gue harus bisa berdiri sendiri seperti dahulu kala, tanpa mengharapkan seorangpun yang mengiringi langkah hidup gue! yang jelas gak ada yang boleh mengganggu hidup gue lagi! entah itu kenangan, ataupun masa depan! menurut gue, kenangan itu gak ada! kenangan itu cuma kesan singkat yang lewat namun melekat dan gak akan pernah hilang! so, what the function? gak ada ! mulai saat ini, SEMUANYA GAK PERNAH ADA! seandainya ada tombol reset, gue mungkin sudah menekannya dari dulu :D
apa lagi yah? i have no idea! fuck! petirnya gede banget! benci gue denger geluduk gak penting yang ngerusak mood gue buat nulis disini!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Time Passing - Never Shout Never Lyric

looking through the glass
as wipers clean the windshield
and i know for the first time
rainy days cant be wiped away
with your laugh with your smile
im just that guy who's in denial
punishment to interrogation
i got this down to a science
but im lacking straight answers
someone as artistic as you
you should be able to
paint the picture for me
the truth for anyone who asks

even hollywood would buy this one
from me this one from me
your answers are the greatest question you held your heart up and you learned your lessons

we'll keep on smiling it up
and painting the town
while i'm sitting at home smiles upside down
and i know you blame this on me

we'll keep on smiling it up
and painting the town
while i'm sitting at home smiles upside down
and i know you blame this on me

we'll keep on smiling it up
and painting the town
while i'm sitting at home smiles upside down
and i know you blame this on me

we'll keep on smiling it up
and painting the town
while im sitting at home smiles upside down
and i know you blame this on me
you blame this on me 
you blame this on me
you blame this on me

even hollywood would buy this one
from me this one from me
your answers are the greatest questions
and you held your heart up and you learned your lessons

Baby Blue Eyes - A Rocket to The Moon ( ARTTM) Lyric

My eyes are no good, blind without her
The way she moves, I never doubt her
When she talks she somehow creeps into my dreams

She's a dollar, catch, a winner
I'm in love and no beginner
Could ever grasp or understand just what she means

Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side
'Til the morning through the night
Well baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes, every moment feels right

And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with you

I drive her home when she can't stand
I like to think I'm a better man
For not letting her do what she's been known to do

She wears heels and she always falls
I let her think she's a know it all
But whatever she does wrong, it seems so right
My eyes don't believe her but my heart swears by her

Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side
'Til the morning through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Well baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes, every moment feels right

And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with you

Can't get you out of my mind

I swear I've been there
I swear I've done that
I'll do whatever it takes just to see those

Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side
'Til the morning through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Well baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes, ever moment feels right

And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with those

Baby, baby blue eyes, stay with me by my side
'Til the morning through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Well baby, stand here holding my sides
While closing your eyes, ever moment feels right

My eyes are no good, blind without her
The way she moves, I never doubt her
When she talks she somehow creeps into my dreams