Monday, December 23, 2013

Beatles night at TCIS Bubat- Bandung

So i went to Bandung again, for the second time in november. This time, i went there with Ain't She Sweet band. They're gonna performs there.
So we started this journey from Lido, bogor. Then me and ain't she sweet's family going to bandung through sukabumi. And damn, that's a long long fucking way to go. We spent about 7 fucking hours on the fucking way. That was a crap. But finally we can arrived on time. Ain't she sweet got a schedule on 8pm, and we're arrived at 7.45. That was cruel, isn't it? Lol.
And tadaaa~ this time i bring my camera, so i captured a lot of their pics. Here we go..
This is our picture while we are on the road. As you can see, i still wearing a ban on my chin. That was because of my accident one week before.
And here my pictures of their performance.

I'll grunge you!

So you know, i am mad of nirvana. I listening their song like almost everyday. Idk why i'm lil bit crazy about their songs. It just like my unconcious mind always singing their songs without sounds. It seems crazy but that's me. Hehe 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Trip Around Jakarta.

So, me and Rusda decided to spending our leisure time to take a short trip. So we prepared it well. We decided to go to Kota Tua, and take a walk around it because there are a lot of great place to visit about there. So here's the story..
First one, we decided to meet up at Ahmad Yani-Tangerang at 10 am. after that we headed to a train station that located in Pasar Lama. Before we buy a tickets, we went to alfamart to buy a drink and snacks. Oh well, i'm so excited about "Train" thing, because it's been a long time i'm not landed my foot over the train. So here's the view from a train station.
Yep, we're on a train. As we know that, inside the train is always crowded. So, we stand still until the next station. Here, i captured a lot Rusda's face.


And after we through some train stations to transit, finally we were arrived. Kota Tua Train Station.

So here, we walk away from the train station.. we noticed around while we searching for a mosque.
Anddddd, yep. my first sight never be wrong! My choice turn to a man who made a bracelet. he sit in the corner of the street, so me and rusda take a look to the bracelet and I asked for the price, it's only takes 5k to ordering a bracelet with a name on it. so I decided to make a "Blackbird" bracelet because I am running out of ideas.

All of that pictures are shows about the process to make a blackbird bracelet. Well, i'm gonna tell you in Bahasa. Jadi, ketika aku memesan gelang yang bertuliskan Blackbird ini, mungkin si bapak penjual hanya melihat tulisannya sesaat. Jadi pas dia bikin, dengan cara benang dililit lilit gitu, eh pas udah selesainya yah, pas aku liat, yang tercipta bukannya gelang dengan tulisan Blackbird tapi malah gelang dengan tulisan Blackdirt -_- sedikit tercengang dan tertawa kecil, aduh, si bapak ini lucu sekali. akhirnya si bapak melepas lilitan dan melilitnya kembali hingga benar. setelah gelangku jadi, kemudian giliran rusda. Dia sempat bingung, begitupun aku. Dia meminta pendapatku, aku bilang saja, kenapa kamu ga bikin tulisan "Messiah" aja, aku pikir itu keren. kemudian dia menjawab, hmm.. artinya apa? lalu aku menjawab, aduh lupa. Kayaknya semacam penyelamat gitu. Seketika dia mulai terlihat setuju, tapi tetap dengan tampang ragu-ragu. dan ketika dia membuka kamus digital dan mengetahui artinya, dia tercengang dan membatalkan itu semua. Ternyata artinya adalah "Juru Selamat" Ahahaha akhirnya BATAL. dan tanpa pikir panjang rusda mengganti nama gelangnya menjadi "Mecca".
Setelah sekitar 1 jam membuang waktu ditempat bapak gelang, akhirnya kita menuju ke mushola dan melanjutkan destinasi kita. Tempat yang pertama kita kunjungi adalah entah lah apa namanya. Halaman didepan museum, dimana ramai sekali orang-orang yang berjualan dan berlalu lalang. Entahlah, timbul suatu kebahagiaan karena aku bisa foto bareng spongebob :D

Yaudah segini dulu jalan-jalannya. Beberapa foto dimuseum masih banyak yang belum ke share, mungkin nanti.