Shweel, I just compiled a lot of his quotes from twitter and his lyric. So, I hope y'll enjoy (;

"I’m friends with everybody, I love everybody. I trust everybody because they don’t give me reasons not to… you know what I’m saying? So, if everybody just trusted everybody and if everybody just loved everybody then we’d live in a perfect world… you know what I’m saying? I mean, why not?"
-Christofer Drew
"i don’t think before i speak, i just say… you know what i mean… and i don’t think people get that…"
-Christofer Drew
"In this world of hate there has to be a light. Be that light and spread some love, maybe this day the youth can make a difference."
"You make me happy, whether you know it or not."
"Desire is the root of selfishness; clear your heart of desire and be selfless. Selflessness is the key to inner peace."
"If you focus on the flaws of others it takes away from the improvements that you may need to make."
"Baby, I love you. I never want to let you go."
"I am I, you are you, we are we. We could live in such harmony."
"I like you. Girl, you don't got nothing to prove to me. I know that times have been rough, for the both of us."
"You see, this world has lots to offer, but in time it will go dark. And if this love is what we say it is, I'm sure we will go far. With a girl as sweet as you, there's not much else I can do, but fall for you."
"I know that you think of me sometimes. 'Cause all I do is think of you at night. I know that it may take a little time, for you to see, you are the love of my life."
"So good that i'm so bad, i guarantee i be the greatest thing you ever had."
"Music brings us life, when we are dead. An honest melody, to break the trend. And music brings us hope, for future peace. Humanity will sing, in harmony. I pray for that day."
"We start a war, but what's it for? We fight for peace; peace will find us with harmony. So trade your guns, and fire with doves. We fight for love; love will find us with harmony."
"And all I ever wanted was to feel loved"
"I know that it sounds crazy, baby, but all I do, is think of you"
"Every single time I look into your eyes, I see a little bit more sunshine. I feel a little bit more like me, instead of who I turned out to be. I wouldn't trade it for a thing. Can I call you my baby?"
"Yeah, I've got friends. But they have friends. And they have parties. And I'm so awkward. So what do you say, just as friends, we see a movie, this weekend?"
"So if you have a problem, I thoroughly suggest you look within, before you go and blame someone who's been blaming someone else, their whole life."
"And you could move on with your whole life, just like you do, just like you shoobeedo, do, do. But you could make everything all right, and I want you to."
"Loving yourself, is loving the universe."
"You are me and i am you."
"Your food is you medicine."
"don't think."
"I think you should stop acting so cool and put on your boogie shoes, i wanna see you boogie."
"And I am praying for the days when you and i and he and she are we and humanity will sing harmony."
"I'm kinda fed up with all this advice never a sign should i stay should i go away all to find the better half of me."
"Im scared the world is gonna change, with out me."
"Is it so wrong, is it so wrong to be in love."
"Hello mister funny man you've hidden who you are."
"And all i see in you is another mistake right over my shoulder and now i see who you are."

-What's not to adore??