Wednesday, December 1, 2010


finally, gue selesai juga ngereview 3 novel yang ditugasin dosen gue, walauuupuuuuuun, sebelum tugas tugas ini di print, gue sempet merasakan betapa pusingnya kepala gue karena ternyata review novel ke dua gue belum tersave secara sempurna, sehingga gue harus mengulang kembali review novel kedua gue ini..
oke ini dia, cuma iseng sih sebenernya, gue coppy aja kesini, hehehe

Name/ Class    : Priska Aprillianty N.F / III C
NIM                : 109014000119
Title                 : MISSING When Lightning Strikes
Author             : Jenny Carroll
Publisher         : Simon and Schuster. 2004
Pages               : 265 Pages
I was interested and chose this novel because when I read the title, I so curious about the title, about what happen with the girl and the lightning strikes. And after I read this novel, I know that the girl was struck with lighting and because it she’s got a psychic power, that is a power to know where’s the missing child.
According to me, the best character in this novel is Jessica, the main character. Because she’s not really beautiful, her hair was short, she’s love to playing flute, and she’s love her family so much, she’s kind, because she’s helping the people who missing their children although there was the FBI who want to abuse her powers to make a profit for them, she’s reject their offer.
My favorite event was when Jessica wants to help Sean to back with his mother, Jessica make a deal with Agents from FBI to give an information about another missing children if the FBI want to help Sean’s mother to out of the jail. And then the FBI bring Sean’s mother to Jessica, before the separates between Jessica and Sean, Jessica gives all of her money to help Sean to escape from this country and go far away from there, so Sean’s father can’t found them because Sean’s father is abusive father. In this part is show Jessica was so kind and she’s really wanted to help Sean because she didn’t want Sean lived with his father.
Conclusion that I could take from the story was use your amazing power for good, don’t be arrogant because it. Because sometimes your amazing powers will make you get in to the big trouble.
ini review novel pertama gue, dan ini selanjutnya novel ke dua gue yang sampai harus dua kali gue ketik ulang.. oh God! gue ngerjain dari tadi pagi sampe jam 8 ini baru kelar beres semua..

Name/ Class     : Priska Aprillianty N.F / III C
NIM                 : 109014000119
Title                  : MISSING Code Name Cassandra
Author              : Jenny Carroll
Publisher           : Simon and Schuster. 2004
Pages               : 264 Pages
            I was interested and choose this novel because I already read the previous series of this novel, so I think it makes me easier to read and to follow the story in this novel. This novel is not cool, because the story is not much different with the previous novel, with the same plot but with another case.
            The best character in this novel I think is Jessica. She’s so kind, she’s stuck to working in summer camp, she’s being a counselor to another kids, there are Shane, the annoying kid who always disturb his friend, and Jessica always solve all the problem that Shane made to his friend, and Jessica make this kids feels comfort to join this camp. Jessica was sincerely to helping Mr. Jonathan Herzberg to find Keely (his daughter that already custody with his ex-wife) although she must be willing to deal with death.
            Best part of this novel in my opinion was when Jessica go into the cave, because Shane was escape from the camp and Jessica must persuade him to come back to the camp, and after that Shane was agree to come back to the camp, and when they’re in the way to out from the cave, they was so surprised because there are Clay Larsson, he is Keely’s new father  was standing in front of Jessica. He’s follow Jessica because he was so angry because Jessica was taking Keely from him and his wife. And he come wants to kill Jessica. But Jessica was divert Clay attention with invited him to talk, and when Jessica got the right time, she’s shout to run, and Jessica and Shane was running so fast, and clay was failed to kill her.
The values that I could learn from this novel is we must be sincerely to help people who need a help, like Jessica who always help people with her sincerely. And if we’re doing the right things, we will get the right result too.

dan ini review novel ke tiga gue yang sebenernya gue juga bingung akan ceritanya yang alurnya begitu panjang. hahahaha tapi finally gue berhasil juga ngereviewnya. hihihi
Name/ Class     : Priska Aprillianty N.F / III C
NIM                : 109014000119
Title                  : Through the Looking Glass
Author              : Lewis Carroll
Publisher          : Charles E. Tuttle Company. 1968
Pages               : 279 Pages

            At the first time, I choose this novel because the title of this novel was interesting. But after I read all part of this novel, I felt that was not really good because the story just tells about what happened with Alice in the way to be a Queen when she was in the looking-glass house.
            The character I liked in this novel was Tweedledum and Tweedledee, they’re twin, and they’re so funny, they can entertain Alice, they were dancing together, singing together to help Alice for her not panic because the skies begun dark. They so smart because they’re read aloud the poetry to Alice without the text. That’s very awesome.
            The best part in this novel on my opinion was when Alice in the Second Square, she’s meet the White Queen, and Alice said to the queen that she’s want to be a queen, and the queen said if she’s want to be a queen she’s must get the eight square and she’s began to run because want to fast to get the eight square. And Alice run faster and faster but Alice felt that she couldn’t go faster, the trees and the other things round them never changed their places at all, however fast she went, she never seemed to past anything. It was so funny I think because although she’s run faster, they’re still in the same place, because if she’s want to move to another square, she’s must into third square, after that fourth square and until eight square, that all have a process and she’s must pass through all the process well.
            There are values that I could learn from this novel, that is always speak the truth, think before you speak and write down afterwards, as the Red Queen said to Alice.
sebenernya ini sengaja gue upload disini, jadi nanti seandainya ada temen gue yang mereview novel gue, nanti dia bisa ngeliat kesini aja sebagai bahan referensi, tapi jangan di coppy paste langsung semuanya, nanti kalau ketahuan bisa gaswaaaaaaaaaaaat.. hahaha :D
oke, terima kasih telah membaca,
and finally i get my time to take a rest :D

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