Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear, Friend.

Dear, Elma Helvia Sukandar.
hehe I know it's weird for you to read this shit. but here I am. :D
sebenernya sih pengen ngomong langsung sama lo. cuma ya lo tau lah, gue takut nantinya jadi canggung karena kita udah lama nggak ngobrol. Jadi ya cuma ini yang bisa gue lakukan, nulis. Apa juga gue mah gue tulis ya, hehehe.

Ya gue harap lo punya banyak waktu biar bisa ngebaca isi postingan gue ini sampe tuntas, soalnya kalo gue liat-liat, lo supersibuk banget akhir-akhir ini. karena jujur aja banyak banget yang ingin gue omongin. hehehe.. bukan gue omongin sih sebenernya, tapi gue sampaikan. Dan setelah lo baca ini, jujur aja gue gak pengen respon lo yang nantinya bakalan gede kepala, gue cuma minta kedewasaan lo aja hehehe

Pertama, gue mau minta maaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati gue. Ya gue taulah lo, gue, sama sama punya kesalahan. Mungkin ada kata-kata gue yang nyakitin lo, perlakuan gue yang nyakitin lo, atau mungkin juga sebaliknya. Gue harap kita bisa sama-sama saling ngerti aja. dan balik lagi ke awal, gue cuma minta maaf lo aja, lebih baik lagi kalo kita bisa saling memaafkan. Gue sadar el, terlalu lama kita diem-dieman kayak gini. Dan jujur aja, sebenernya gue pun kangen. kangen saat saat kita barengan. kita jalan bareng, becanda bareng, ngegosip bareng, curhatan bareng, terlalu banyak waktu yang kita lewatin bareng-bareng.
Gue pun kenal lo bukan baru, hampir 5 tahun. bahkan lebih, rasanya aneh aja kalo kita tiba-tiba jadi sama-sama dingin gini. Jadi inget waktu awal masuk SMA, awal dimana kita sama-sama sendiri, awal masa-masa kita harusnya mencari temen, karna itu hari pertama dikelas. Gue dan elo, sama-sama melakukan berbagai basa-basi yang kemudian bikin kita jadi deket. Kita jadi sering cerita tentang masalah kita, pengalaman kita, semuanya tentang kita. Sampe akhirnya kita bener-bener deket. Dan kita pun main selalu bertiga, gue lo dan bacel. Betapa dewasanya kita dibanding bacel yang dulu masih sensitif dan suka ngambek kalo dibecandain. sementara kita, mau becanda, kesel gimana pun, kita gak pernah berantem ya el. sekalinya bernatem pun paling kesel sehari itu doang, setelah itu kita baikan lagi. Dulu serasa masalah gampang banget untuk terpecahkan. simple buat kita untuk menyelesaikannya, bahkan simple juga buat meredam ego kita masing-masing. Tapi kenapa skrg semua terasa beda ya? atau mungkin karena umur yang bertambah, membuat semua masalah kita jadi  makin kompleks?? Bukan masalah lagi buat gue, karna saat ini gue menghapuskan segala ego gue, untuk minta maaf sama lo dan berharap hubungan pertemanan kita yang lebih baik selanjutnya.

lo tuh udah bukan sahabat lagi bagi gue, lo tuh udah gue anggap seperti saudara gue sendiri. Terlalu banyak kesedihan dan  kesenangan yang kita lewating bareng-bareng el. walaupun setahun terakhir ini hubungan kita nggak baik, gue pengen lo tau aja, kalo di sisa-sisa masa kuliah ini, gue tetep pengen temenan sama lo. gue masih pengen kita berhubungan baik, walau mungkin gak bisa kaya dulu lagi, seenggaknya gue mau nyoba lagi el. gue pengen ngobrol lagi sama lo, curhat-curhatan lagi, jalan bareng lagi, ngeggosip lagi :p semua yang dulu sering kita lakuin. semuanya gue kangen.

Gue nggak peduli, orang mau ngomong apa tentang postingan blog gue ini, gue cuma mau numpahin semua perasaan gue aja. Terlalu lama kita diem-dieman el. gue gak mau ini terjadi semakin lama dan lama.. dan nantinya gue semakin gak mengenal lo. Gue masih pengen kita baik-baik aja. Terlalu banyak kenangan indah yang kita lewatin bareng el. gue cuma nggak mau semuanya terlambat. gue gak mau terlambat buat ngungkapin ini semua, sampe akhirnya lo bener-bener ngelupain gue dan benci sama gue. 

Anyway. gue tau waktu kita sekelompok tugas apa ya, gue rada lupa, yang sama jisung juga, lo ngerasa tersindir ya sama gue di twitter? Maaf, serius itu bukan gue yang mulai. dan gue nggak ngejelekin lo. Tapi kalo lo ngerasa tersinggung ya gue minta maaf aja ya :)
Dan terakhir, gue gak peduli gimana hubungan lo sama temen-temen yang lain, karena itu bukan urusan gue, dan disini gue cuma mau memperbaiki hubungan gue sama lo, gue gak peduli orang lain bilang apa, karena semua gue sendiri yang ngerasain. gue lebih baik dicengin atau dijelekin sama orang nantinya dari pada harus kehilangan sahabat gue. gue harap setelah lo baca ini, lo bisa ngerti ya el. semoga lo bisa dewasa buat nanggepin postingan gue ini. Thanks anyway udah sempetin baca :')

P.S. gue kangen kita jalan bareng lagi, dan kayaknya kita harus ngobrol banyak. Text me when you're ready ya el, gue yakin hubungan kita bisa membaik setelah ini! Amin, have a nice day :)


is it still 16th of December?? great! i don't wanna waste this day.
can i talk?? i really need someone to talk about. is it okay if i talk here?? i guess yess, because i just realized that i have no one to talked about. this day, everything looks crystal clearer. perfect day, for being alone and dying. nothing much to do. nothing much to think about. i just feel, lonely. everything is messed up. i messed up, and i fucking messed up. i don't even finished my thesis proposal for tomorrow, i'm not even get ready for starting my monfuckingday tomorrow. seriously. it just like hell, my sorrows began. i just really need to ended this fucking shit sooner. seriously, write a blog is 100% more effective for me than make a thesis. it sucks, you being under the rule. so, here i am. procrastinator. a lazy girl with a bad habit. but it's ok for me. for now. i don't need to think much about college. i started to think that they were never think about me. lol :p
so, that was my life with my messy collage stuff. i don't even have a pen. lol :p
so, maybe today is 17 because it's 00.24 right now but i don't care, at least i started to write a day before. hehehe what a long way to write. i don't even have something to talk about. this night, so windy. so painful.
so, i'm gonna talked about my emptiness here. my mom just told me that "you don't need to hate someone who did something bad to you, or even they lied so much, cause in fact, they still be your friends, and don't ever forget about their kindness to you, they ever life in your live and help you out from your problem, they ever accompanied you when you're down, and they are... just them... let they become themselves. You don't need to be worried, they will be good forever to you, as long as you good to them." it just feel like "Something".. "something" really "something". i feel it, and i did the wrong choice. for everything. i swear to god. I'm wrong.
for the last thing, it only about choice. and also chance. chance to make it better, and choice to make it best. and i will. make it better, make it good. insya allah.
well, i'm screwing my relationship, well but it's not my fault if I am so stubborn. it was your fault to make your own mistakes. or error maybe. nah.. mistakes. i ever tried to complained about it before. so its the real mistakes. i'm screwed it, but you're just an asshole who only pointed me fucking back in every single problem. you. you made all of your story was my fault. my fucking fault. you. who tell everyone i'm a drama queen behind your castle of drama dream land. bitch!
i'm good. literary good right now. i feel better. just so you know. you're not the only one who can blame someone else. me too. me three. it's real.
as long as you and me being a motherfucking childish. i will keep this distance away. even it's hurt, for me, i dont know about you. maybe you feel better. its all right. your turn. but i will still keep this. until one day, we see a sunshine. we or only you or only me. its okay. and it's fine.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Love you to.

Each day just goes so fast
I turn around, it's past
You don't get time to hang a sign on me

Love me while you can
Or I'll get a plan

A lifetime is so short
A new one can't be bought
But what you've got means such a lot to me

Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

What Goes On?

I met you in the morning
Waiting for the tides of time
But now the tide is turning
I can see that I was blind
It's so easy for a boy like you to lie
Tell me why


Although I laugh and I act like a clown
Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown
My tears are falling like rain from the sky
Is it for him or myself that I cry

I'll cry instead

I've got every reason on earth to be mad
Cos I've just lost the only boy I had
And if I could get my way
I'd get myself locked up today
But I can't so I cry instead

If I Fell

If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
Cos I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands

I'll be back - The Beatles

You know if you break my heart I'll go
But I'll be back again
Cos I told you once before goodbye
But I came back again

I love you so

I'm the one who wants you
Yes, I'm the one
Who wants you, oh ho, oh ho, oh

You could find better things to do

Than to break my heart again
This time I will try to show that I'm
Not trying to pretend

I thought that you would realize

That if I ran away from you
That you would want me too
But I got a big surprise
Oh ho, oh ho, oh

You could find better things to do

Than to break my heart again
This time I will try to show that I'm
Not trying to pretend

I wanna go but I hate to leave you,

You know I hate to leave you , oh ho, oh ho, oh
You, if you break my heart I'll go
But I'll be back again

Monday, September 24, 2012

No More Ouch!!

Wohoooo!! Got so many spirits  from my tees :)
Terkadang emang berat buat berusaha ngelupain semua kenangan, tapi... semakin diinget,... semakin aja tambah benci.. Atau mungkin karena kebencian itu juga butuh proses kali yaaa? hahaha :D
Semakin kesini semakin belajar, gimana caranya gak terlarut dalam kesedihan. Toh hidup terlalu sia-sia kalo kita pake cuma untuk bersedih.
Kebahagiaan gue saat ini adalah berada semakin dekat dengan keluarga gue. Dengan banyaknya motivasi yang diberikan orang tua gue. Semakin membara-bara niat gue untuk mencapai cita-cita gue. Jadi nggak pengen kuliah lama-lama. Pengen buru-buru kerja dan ngelanjutin S2. Udah mulai banyak referensi untuk menggapai semuanya... banyak jalan yang coba orang tua gue berikan untuk gue.. Dan gue berharap doa mereka gak pernah putus untuk gue, termasuk mendoakan gue untuk melanjutkan kuliah gue sampai ke luar negeri. Amin!!
Dan berbagai angan-anganpun mulai berdatangan didalam pikiran gue, tinggal mengatur strategi gimana caranya semua bisa menjadi nyata. Dan sepertinya gue harus menghapus cita-cita lama gue untuk menikah diusia muda. Karena gue percaya semua pasti ada jalannya. Mungkin saat ini gue harus lebih semangat untuk masa depan gue, seakan tuhan berbisik "semua orang terlahir berpasangan, jodohmu tak akan kemana"....

Fade Away -

When I was young
I thought I had my own key
I knew exactly
What I wanted to be
Now I'm sure
You've boarded up every door

Lived in a bubble
Days were never ending
Was not concerned
About what life was sending
Fantasy was real
Now I know much about the way I feel

I'll paint you the picture

'Cause I don't think
You live round here no more
I've never even seen
The key to the door
We only get what we will settle for

While we're living

The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away away away
They fade away away away

Now my life has turned

Another corner
I think it's only best
That I should warn you
Dream it while you can
Maybe someday I'll make you understand

I'll paint you the picture

'Cause I don't think
You live round here no more
I've never even seen
The key to the door
We only get what we will settle for

While we're living

The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children fade away away away
They fade away away away
They fade away away away
Fade away away away

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - (It's Good) To Be Free

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - (It's Good) To Be Free
Berulang- Ulang kali denger lagu ini, tetep nyangkut ditelinga :)

Head like a rock spinning round and round
I found it in a hole sitting upside down
You point the finger at me but I don't believe
Paint me a wish on a velvet sky
You demand the answers but I don't know why in my mind
There is no time

But the little things they make me so happy
All I want to do is live by the sea
Little things they make me so happy
But it's good it's good it's good to be free

So what would you say if I said to you
It's not in what you say it's in what you do
You point the finger at me but I don't believe
Bring it on home to where we found
My head like a rock sitting upside down
In my mind there is no time

But the little things they make me so happy
All I want to do is live by the sea
Little things they make me so happy
But it's good it's good it's good to be free 

Saturday, September 22, 2012


It just like something going wrong in my head! Uh! Why am i so easily lost my concentrate lately? Uh well nevermind!!!! Yo guys.. being together with people you loved the most is such a wonderful things that God given to you. It can help you to forgot how your life was, changing it with a brand new plan. Deleting all of your bad luck, and changing it with a confidence's smile. So, why don't we holding our hands together and share our smiles? BLAH! Everything seems so easy to talk about but it's really hard like hell to do.
by the way, how's you doing guys? everything good? Oh great! Hello :)

Terkadang emang gak mudah untuk menjadi apa yang orang lain inginkan pada diri kita, tapi justru pada saat itulah harusnya kita berusaha setengah mati untuk mempertahankan diri kita yang sesungguhnya. Karena itulah kita. Suka atau nggak suka ya kalian harus terima. ya kalau emang gak mau terima ya silahkan menjauh. Bak hukum rimba, yang kuat ya pasti yang menang. Semakin kuat orang itu mau mengubah diri kamu, harusnya kamu makin kuat mempertahankan diri kamu, karena semakin kuat diri kamu, orang yang ingin merubah kamu akan semakin kehilangan jati dirinya. Obsessed and depressed at the same time. Sorry Out of topic, tapi ini nggak tau mengalir gitu aja ehehe.

Oh Crap! Hari kamis depan aku kebagian kelas Microteaching yang notabenenya aku harus ngajar didepan teman2 sekelasku. Penilaian dilakukan ketika awal aku membuka pintu kelas! Hell! Aku masih gak tau konsep apa yang bakal aku gunain, dan.......... aku masih gak tau sekarang harus gimana. Berasa blank banget gak bisa mikir. hahahaha

Hard Day! Hard Day! Terlalu banyak tugas yang harus aku selesaikan!! Seriously! I'm kinda fed up!
Tapi ada bagusnya juga.. tugas2 ini selalu membuat aku gak pernah merasa sendiri.. Karena ketika pikiranku mulai ngacir kemana2.. mulai banyak hal negatif masuk.... kemudian tugas2ku lah yang akan menangkal semuanya.. mengusirnya secara perlahan, sehingga aku gak perlu mikirin itu semua lagi.

Agak beda ya rasanya hari-hari yang kita laluin tanpa orang yang biasanya ada disamping kita. Biasanya ada tempat berkeluh kesah, berbagi kesedihan, berbagi kebahagiaan, berbagi cerita, berbagi segalanya.. Emang yang namanya menghilangkan kebiasaan itu sangat susah! Apalagi kalo harus kehilangan.. sangatlah susah!! Mempertahankan pendirian, tetap fokus sama apa yang kita hadapi! Ya... everything is gonna be Okay! Aku yakin semua akan kembali menjadi normal. Dan semua akan tetap menjadi kenangan yang tersimpan rapi dalam buku kisah hidupku.. dan pada halaman inilah yang akan aku jadikan garis besar hidupku. Halaman inilah yang akan menyadarkanku dalam semua hal! Dan aku harap halaman inilah yang bisa bikin aku tetap tegar dan semakin dewasa.. Memaknai arti hidup, bahkan yang sedang kita alami itu nggak gampang ternyata yah.. setiap orang punya cara dan sikap dalam menghadapinya... satu hal yang sangat aku tekankan dalam halaman ini adalah PEACE, LOVE, EMPATHY~ pasti udah pada sering denger dong kata2 tersebut.. kata2 yang terlontarkan dari seorang Kurt Cobain yang sebagian orang anggap loser dan sebagian orang anggap dia hero. Gak jauh beda sama keputusan yang kita buat, pasti selalu ada dua kubu yang memiliki pemahaman berbeda, yang satu pro dan yang satu kontra. Inilah hidup! Selalu penuh kontroversi. Setiap orang mempertahankan anggapannya masing-masing. Namun seandainya setiap orang dapat mengilhami arti dari kata Empathy itu sendiri, mungkin gak akan ada kegelisahan seperti ini. Layaknya rumput di halaman yang tenang... mengerti keadaan bagaimana angin berhembus tanpa merontokkan bunga-bunganya.. dunia mungkin terasa lebih indah. 

Jikalau kesadaran datang lebih awal, mungkin nggak akan ada waktu yang terbuang sia-sia.. atau mungkin memang tidak ada... Tanpa adanya keputusan, kita tidak akan membuat suatu kenangan.. Mungkin inilah garis hidup yang harus kita lewati.. Bagaikan garisan takdir yang selalu menuntun kamu untuk mencapai jalan akhirmu... Selalu maju dan terus maju..
Hal-hal yang paling susah dilupakan sebenernya adalah hal-hal sederhana yang sering kita lakukan. kita duduk bercerita, tertawa dan bahagia. Atau mungkin aku cemberut dan kamu kebingungan. Lalu kemudian kamu bergoyang layaknya seorang idiot tak terlihat oleh siapapun. dan kita tertawa, ataupun datar. Semua terasa sangat berarti ketika telah tiada.. namun waktu pasti akan menggantikan semua.. dengan yang lebih indah.. percayalah!!!... 
Ketika kita berharap, bermimpi dan berkhayalkan semua masa depan kita yang indah... aku tau Tuhan mendengar.. aku tau Tuhan pasti punya rencana untuk kita.. karena apapun yang kita bicarakan adalah doa kita. Dia pasti punya rencana. Atau mungkin Tuhan merasa ini bukan garis yang telah ia buat.. Ini bukanlah seperti apa yang kita harapkan, apa yang kita inginkan.. Sehingga dia mematahkan semua harapan kita saat ini.. dan mungkin menggantinya dengan garis yang lebih indah.. yang lebih tepat baginya dijalannya..
Ketika harapan kita sudah tidak sejalan dengan kenyataan yang terjadi.. Kebanyakan dari kita hanya mengeluh, bersedih, dan membenci atau menyesalinya.. Manusiawi sekali... Perlu hati yang kuat untuk berlapang dada.. Berharap suatu keajaiban dapat mengubahnya... Penyesalan yang kerap kali datang diharapkan menghilang, karena ia hanya membuat semuanya semakin keruh. Harapan yang gugur harus dijauhkan dengan penyesalan. Karena semua ini gak perlu ada yang disesali. Ini buku kita.. Kita lah yang menorehkan tintanya..
Tuangkanlah semua dengan coretan yang indah. Agar kelak anak cucukmu dapat tersenyum ketika kamu menceritakan semua :)

Keep fighting!!! Jangan pernah menyerah sama semua cita-cita yang telah kamu buat! Kalau mungkin itu jauh dari realia saat ini, yakinlah mimpi itu akan datang di lain waktu..

Maaf kalo tulisannya agak nyambung kesana kemari. Efek ngantuk dan gak konsen.. Cuma apa yang lagi ada dikepala keluar gitu aja. Sekarang tepat Jam 2 am. Aku masih nunggu pelangi datang di malam ini.. Selamat tidur :) Love. xo

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Hiiii there!! It's been a long time! it really doesn't mean that i forgot this site or something, i'm just Lazy! yeah Lazy :) don't ask me why am i lazy because it's my hobby anyway.
it so confusing if I should start writing something again, cuz i've got a lotta things in my brain to write about, just confuse to choose what should I tell first. 
It just like a dream by the way, it seems like yesterday I was a new student in my college, and now Gosssssh i'm in 7th semester, it's only about 2 steps closer to the Graduate-things! I just realize how fast time goes by. As they didn't gave me a minutes to breathe. How bored my life was. 
It almost mid-night here. Honestly I really wanna share my holiday photo while i was in Lombok and Bali, but I'm not thinking that this is the right time. So, We'll wait then.. hehehe

By the way, did you ever feel like you are totally upset with someone? Someone who you love so much? and how it feels like eh?
I never give an excuse if everyone made a mistakes. but repeatedly? Over and over again? Same old story? Seriously? You must be killing me :D
How if I said this is the hardest part of my life? Anyone? Okay thanks Ed Sheeran who was singing U.N.I while I write this post hahaha. Um, Hey! How if I said it's over? It could be okay right? I bet no one will be upset now :)
Dear... Peace, Love and Empathy.
 This is the last thing that I could said. Nothing more than this. I know what's your feeling now, so do I! I must know how my feeling then! I just don't think everything gonna be OK if we're still together! Maybe it could be worst! We're deserve to be happy, without hurting each other. We already tried everything in our time together to made everything fine. But if this is the end of the story, you must be gladddd!!!! You keep this line more than anyone. So am I. I'm proud I EVER be the one that you love. even I'm not sure with that. But let's talk about our happiness. Maybe you'll ever know how beautiful you are to me, that's make me guilty! Sorry for it, I shoulda take a deep breathe to said it in front of your face. And the fact was I'm a loser. I'm a dick! I don't even have a power to said that. That was made you fly away from me...

ah.. that's a wrap! It's 12 am. So, good night and have  a wonderful dream to everyone. xoxo :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hey-ho guys! as you see in the banner, there are the Biggest Metal Festival at Jakarta, 28th of April 2012!!
yaaa. kira kira 4 hari lagi nih acara bakal digelar. buat kalian yg emang penasaran pengen dengerin langsung lagu Kafirnya si Nile yang konyol itu, silahkan dataaaaang :D fyi, ini band metal Indonesianya juga bagus2 kok. rata-rata band lama semua, jadi pasti kalian udah kenal semua lah sama band-band di atas. arga tiketnya juga relatif kok, gak terlalu mahal dan gak terlalu murah. mungkin murah banget kalo kalian dapetnya ticket advance. sayang presalenya juga udah gak sempet kebeli karena sekarang udah tanggal 24. sebenernya gue agak telat juga sih tau kabar dari datangnya band band ini kesini, gue baru tau acara ini pas liat banner dijalan sekitar hari sabtu kemarin. honestly, gue pengen nonton!! tapi pacar gue gak mau nemenin karna dia gak suka. and he's exactly avoid me to watch this concert. oh God! but nope. i'm gonna hear how crowd the stage is from y'll. so, tell meeeh ya nanti :p

Been Down So Long - The Doors!

Well, I've been down so Goddamn long
That it looks like up to me
Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me
Yeah, why don't one you people
C'mon and set me free

I said, warden, warden, warden
Won't you break your lock and key
I said, warden, warden, warden
Won't ya break your lock and key
Yeah, come along here, mister
C'mon and let the poor boy be

Baby, baby, baby
Won't you get down on your knees
Baby, baby, baby
Won't you get down on your knees
C'mon little darlin'
C'mon and give your love to me, oh yeah

Well, I've been down so Goddamn long
That it looks like up to me
Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me
Yeah, why don't one you people
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon and set me free
C'mon baby set me free! Lol i really meant it! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Unbelievable.. i just dont believe that time is running so fast. Hell yeah, here they now. 20th of april.. um maybe im late to post this thing, but honestly i was trying from the afternoon. Well, just really excited cuz i've got some surprised from my beloved friends, rusda, yayah and zahra. I love them. also a phone call from Niyai and also Tante Nuy (ryan's grandma and aunty). And i've got some beautiful message from my mom. Here:

21 thn tepat jam 09.50 wib tgl 20 april 1991 ku melahirkan putri mungil yg lucu, tk terasa skg tumbuh menjadi gadis dewasa , "SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN Putriku, panjang umur,sehat sll, jd anak yg sholeha, berbakti kpd orang Tua, sayang ma adik2, perduli sama org lain, rendah hati, dn sukses dlm meraih cita2 itu harapan mama dan doa mama sll menyertaimu.

i just wana say, i love you mom :')

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Trees and The Wild - Rasuk (Lyric)

Well, msndadak dengerin album2 lama yang udah jarang dibuka di komputer saya. terpilihlah The Trees and The Wild yang saya dengarkan berulang ulang. dan saya cukup penasaran dengan lyricnya. dan saya rangkum satu album disini... ready?

Hush now, the morning’s too dark
High as a kite, as blue as your eyes
I’m putting out reasons
And see how far it’ll go
Go waste your time
With those hearts
Coldheart razorblades
Flesh from the lovers
Words about tomorrow
Feels so far away
Hopes will prevail
And we’ll be ok now
But the morning’s too dark
Summer i’ll wait for you
Winter i’ll wait for you

Nah, kalo yang ini lagu yang membuat gue jatuh cinta sama The Trees and the Wild. 

i’ll be sitting and i’ll be waiting for you
cause all this thoughts and all this hopes
will go blue
time awaits you now
and breaks you now
i’m on your side
i’m on your side
i’m on your side
and memories is all we got
so hold my hand
and we’ll ease it out
tonight tonight
i can feel you in my sleep
the fear of eve is in my grief
the smile of light is flashing both my eyes
i’ll be sitting and i’ll be waiting for you

Then, this is the lyric that really meaningful for me. idk why but i really love the lyric.
menjemukan, rasa itu
menafsir mimpi, sehalus sepi
(rasa hati) melawannya, (rasa hati) seandainya
mari rasuk
bila kau rindu
aku ‘kan datang segera
kau rindukan waktu yang pergi
datanglah kembali padaku

so much to say
but i won’t make it quick
i lose my mind
each time i look at your eyes
so why don’t you close them?
and all those sleepless nights
reminds me of one thing though
how fast time passes us by
so why don’t we hold them?
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)
i’m passing this old neighborhood
and see how it meant to you
i’m hoping you’ll be there
i’m hoping you’ll be there
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)
and hope we’ll reach morning
hope we’ll reach morning
i thought you saw it too
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)
i’ll fight the future for you (maybe)

kalo berlin ini lagu yang paling easy going untuk didengarkan. paduan musiknya LUAR BIASA!
your single side won’t be denied
your melodramatic instant sign
is beyond my reach
missing you is just too much
why don’t you just figure it out
you’re fading and i’m still waiting
those words that you wrote on the postcard
is as cold as the winter chill
seems to me it’s not a priority
it’s just another little sign
that you’re fading and i’m still waiting
you’ll fade away

Hitung nafas yang kelak berat
Kau ‘kan sakit dan pergi
Tanpa waktu yang pasti
Selamanya, selamanya
Melawan hati yang tak pernah padam
Akan hilang..
Ucapkan maaf
Dan kau pun ‘kan tetap disini
Selamanya, selamanya

dan yang ini, ahhhhhhh :'(

Mulai tenang dari hati
Keangkuhan yang pergi
Pernahkah kau lihat
Dia diam disana sendiri?
Warna dan sinarnya
‘kan biaskan, biaskan
Derau dan kesalahan (dan penat)
Menetap hatimu

Irish girl and irish boy
Is all you need to break toys
That’s all you need
That’s all you want
That’s all you see
Inside this grief
Follow me to start a war
Cause you won’t see your
Fading scores
That’s all you want
That’s all you need
For you i’ll bleed
Why can’t you see?
all you want is the truth
all you want is the truth
and in disguise you’ll
know what’s true
but i won’t see you now or
in two days

Bones and stones will collide with hopes
and fear of lust, old lust
don’t believe the words he sold so fierce
through those tubes, old tubes..
move inside your skin i don’t mind dying
and down to your heart inside and out
i wish i was blind just for awhile
an ageless cloak covers the oak
don’t believe a word
don’t believe a word
anchorage is so far don’t you think?
but why we’re feeling this blistering, blistering cold?
move inside your skin i don’t mind dying
and down to your heart inside and out
i wish i was blind just for awhile
an ageless cloak covers the oak
don’t believe a word
don’t believe a word
it lurks like spinning wheels
don’t believe in words
don’t believe in words
i’ll pay tribute to the wires and tubes
wires and tubes
wires and tubeS

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Eh well, ive been searching for a good time to write down something here.
sometimes i wonder if i deserve to got everything that happened in me.
but sometimes i couldnt understand why.
every person that i loved, lied.
every person that i need, gone.
seems like something aint right with my self.
i dont know why, maybe hate is just a word, cause i know it doesnt work to me.
i supposed to hate everyone. But i cant.
dear, sometimes i thinking, i thinking to escape from this life. Hide everything, cheat in my fate.
I want to be anyone else, i want to be someone. Different with me before. Someone who can understand the word between love and hate. Who can choose one of both.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Between Love And Lies

Yeah, this words is working for everyone.


Whoaaaah, Hell it works.

Seems like NOTHING better between Promise and Lies

but LIES still LIES!

Oh man! It short of Me!!

And i'm pretty sure everyone wants this. Life is simple. Isn't it?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Indonesia Oh Indonesia!!

Daaaaaaaang! I was in police station. You know what, its seems like UNBELIEVABLE!
Every single person that working here was a scalper. I never wondered that this kind of shit going around me.
well, let me explain, yeah yesterday, i accompanied my sister to get her license. So, we went to a police station.
okey, just called us "smartass" because we dont know a thing about that place, about how to get a license, how to registered and how to get out of that place.
well, everyone there was trying to begged me and my sister to cheating, they said that we just paid and we got a license. I dont really want it, cause i know that its very expensive. So we walking in the truth.
no one wanna give us a direction. Damn! What i supposed to did. I was freaking out and finally, there was someone, an old man who give us a little light in darkness. So here we are, we got that register paper. Wait till next week. God bless me. Smoch

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blah! Random.

Wtf. This is my third time write down here. Because the last thing i wrote here wasn't saved clearly as a draft. Poor me. Okay, watching supernatural series it such a traveling around a country and moved to another city for a minute. It just like they using magic. Lol. Forget it btw, im not suppose to wrote that kind of thing here. Forget it.
Ehm, hulaaaa laaaaa booooooo- you know what, sometimes i was really effing mad when someone joking on me when im not interested in. As someone did. Oh my, i know exactly what goes on here. But im not suppose to tell you about that. Its private. Flush and forget it.
Every close person in your life is really able to hurt you. Family. Boy/ girlfriend. Best friend. Friend. And anyone else. They really have a role to hurt you. Until you feel like you're alone. You'll buried on your memories.
Damn, i don't really know what i wrote up there. I think i lost my mind. Oke oke. I will leave. Bye all.

Quote. Fav.

Ello, Idk even this picture was fit to the real resolution or not cause i was uploaded it from blogaway, and its mean it could be bad. But surely i hope it still can be read by you. Idek actually what the meaning of those quote but enjoy it. If you dont enjoy it, just leave this page. Key.


Mommy mommy, i want that baby. Lets kidnap him. He's effing cute. I really mad of him. So, his father would kill me then. Lol.

His name is James, Lil Anthony Green.

Sorry, I Can't.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blah! This Is Life!!

Um, start with hello everyone. I meet up with this blog is such a 3 or more time a days, just because i have installed some application for my blog in my phone. Lol im trying so much to fit this app with my life. My phone should be working hard to serve my finger tips. Muahaha. I dont have any idea exactly. So, just write down whatever here. So just read. Ignore the wrong sentences. Ignore the wrong grammar. Enjoy!
First, my finger tips wanna dancing in Sunday Drive - The Early November lyric. Idk this song really meant so much for me, i really fucking love this song since the first time i listen this song. So, enjoy the lyric, sing along or go mocking, up to you guys.

And we wait above a road
We're turning to go home
And the silence from the side of the car
Tells me everything and how we are
'Cause there's no more trying to make this so right
There's no more trying tonight
And you know it's not so easy when you're all alone
And I wonder if I'm alone in your head
You say it's only me and that I'm so perfect for you
I just want you to be true to me, one time

And you know it's not so easy when you're all alone
And I wonder if I'm alone in your head
Twelve days gone by since I have saw you last
I'll give this one more try, I'll give it all my best
And I'll ask "What could you be doing that is so much fun? Without me by your side? Without me by your side?"
And I will take a step back, and I'll let you ahead
And I will take a step away and see if you come back
Because there's no more trying to make this so right
There's no more trying, there's no more trying tonight

We'll never be the same
We will never be the same
We will never be the same until you're done

This is the deepest song i've ever heard. i cant listen to it without crying, because i am too that girl. The words are so simple, yet to describe my exact feelings. I guess this song kind of resembles how life goes. You lose loved ones, and no one can sem to fill that empty part of your heart. I think i cry when i hear this song because it makes me come to reality.
I know everyone can relate to this song at one point or another but it just hits home with me so much right now. I dated someone for more than 3 years and he just broke up with me. He's goes back and forth, sometimes telling me he loves me and sometimes acting completely indifferent and at first he seemed so torn and confused but then he really pulled away and then found out about him talking to someone else. It's like he's started this new life too, with this new group of friends, moving forward while i'm still stuck in one place. And i keep putting myself through the worst of it looking at all our old messages and photos when we were so happy and i keep asking the question he asks in this song: "What are you doing that's so much fun, that's so much better without me?" i keep trying. I keep trying to prove how it can be, but i know it's ruined now. I know it can't be the same knowing what has happened now. I just can't let it go. Just really fits. This is my life and i can't change it. I will always love him.. But i never be the same again.

My Hand Writing

Today is my lazy day. So, i face my day with my hand writing. I hope it still clear to read. Cause i know its ugly. I hope it would entertain you. Cause i wrote so many jokes in that paper. Lol i lied ;)
Whoah, sorry for my mistaken. Such a mistakes in grammar or wrong words. Cause i'm not a foreign lady. Damn i'm Indonesian :)

Break On Through - The Doors Lyric

You know the day destroys the night

Night divides the day

Tried to run

Tried to hide

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side, yeah

We chased our pleasures here

Dug our treasures there

But can you still recall

The time we cried

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side


C'mon, yeah

Everybody loves my baby

Everybody loves my baby

She get

She get

She get

She get high

I found an island in your arms

Country in your eyes

Arms that chain us

Eyes that lie

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through, oww!

Oh, yeah!

Made the scene

Week to week

Day to day

Hour to hour

The gate is straight

Deep and wide

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through X4

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah